Call for Papers
RAMS® conference seeks to unite professionals, researchers, and policymakers to explore the latest advancements and share insights in these vital areas. We invite papers that present novel approaches, case studies, and theoretical developments that address current challenges and future trends. RAMS® calls for regular papers, presentations only, and tutorials that are pertinent to Reliability and Maintainability and that are relevant to the RAMS 2026 theme “Optimizing Reliability, Maintainability, and Data Analytics for Safe & Successful Outcomes”.
Abstract topics are:
Optimizing Reliability, Maintainability, and Data Analytics for Safe & Successful Outcomes
Autonomous Systems, AI, Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) Applications in R&M
Availability, Repairable Systems and Maintenance Models and Methodologies
Design Optimization Using R&M Techniques
Diagnostics, Prognostics and
Health Management
FMEA and Fault Tree Analysis
Human Reliability
Life/Warranty Data Analysis and Accelerated Life Testing
Physical Reliability Models
R&M Applications in Aerospace
R&M Applications in Health Care
R&M Applications in Manufacturing, Service or Infrastructure Management
R&M Management and Business Process Improvement
Reliability Modeling
Risk Analysis and Management
Security and Dependability Analysis
Software Reliability and Testing
System Safety and Software Safety Analysis
If you wish to present a paper, presentation or tutorial at RAMS® 2026, now is the time to begin your preparation. RAMS 2026 Program Committee provides authors with a toolkit including the full version of the Call for Papers, Author’s To-Do-List and Tips for Developing a High-Quality Manuscript.
To gain valuable insights, network with experts, and enhance their skills through training, certification preparation, and discussions on best practices for mission-critical R&M programs.
RAMS 2025 Exhibitors
PHM Technology
Andromeda Systems
Cincinnati Sub Zero
ESPEC North America Inc
Fulton Findings/ Bathtub Software
Intuitive Research &Technology
Isograph Inc
Mission Ready Software
Polestar Technical Services
Quanterion Solutions Inc
Relyence Corp
Sakura Software Solutions
Systecon North America