Our registration system assumes a unique email address for each individual. Please be sure that no one else will attempt to use the same email. Your email and a password that you set will allow you to return to your registration pages to edit them or complete payment.
You will note that the registration pages open in a new window. We suggest that you do not close this window or your browser until your registration is complete.
Clicking on “Register Now” at the end of this page will begin a new registration, allow you to edit a completed registration, or allow you to make payment on a completed registration. .
Following are the steps in the registration process.
Step 1. Select a Registration Type
The registration fee schedule is summarized in detail here.
General Public Registration Types:
- Member – You qualify as a member if you belong to one of our Sponsoring Societies (ASQ ECD, ASQ RRD,SRE, IEEE Reliability Division, SSS, IEST, SAE, or IIE). You will be asked to identify your memberships and to provide member numbers.
- Nonmember – Use this registration type if you are not a member of one of the above Sponsoring Societies or Sponsoring Society Divisions and do not qualify for other registration types.
- Full-Time Student Members – Conference Registration Rate is $595 before December 24, 2023 and $795 after December 24 2023. The Full-Time Student rate includes admission to the banquet. Use this registration category if you are a FULL TIME STUDENT AT AN ACCREDITED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION majoring in a subject related to Reliability and Maintainability (RAM) with a minimum course load of 9 credits during the current school semester, AND you are a member of one of the professional societies sponsoring RAMS. Full-Time Student members will be asked to show their valid college/university student ID, and another form from their college/university to verify their status as a full-time student when they arrive at the conference registration desk, otherwise, they will pay the registration fee afforded to members of one of RAMS sponsoring societies, provided their society membership can be confirmed.
Any student with less than 9 credits MUST prove in writing that the school considers them a full-time student to receive the student member discount. If they can show their college or university considers them a full time student, they will receive the student member discount rate provided their society membership can be verified. Part-time students will not receive the student member discount; they will pay the same rate as non-student conference attendees.
Students who are NOT MEMBERS OF A SPONSORING SOCIETY OR ASPONSORING SOCIETY DIVISION, NOR ABLE TO CONFIRM FULL-TIME STUDENT STATUS will be charged the nonmember registration fee. Student Presenters – The registration rate for students whose papers have been selected for presentation at RAMS is the same as that used Student Members. This registration type follows the same registration guidelines as student members.
- Student Presenters – The registration rate for students whose papers have been selected for presentation at RAMS is the same as that used Student Members. This registration type follows the same registration guidelines as student members.
- Group –if you want to qualify for a discounted Group registration rate please use this registration category type. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 6 PEOPLE TO REGISTER AS A GROUP. Members of the group may pay for their registration fee using their credit card.
A special registration link is required for this registration category. Please contact the Advanced Registrar, Mr. Ken Dalton, at advancedregistration@rams.org or at 302-593-8810, - One Day – if you want to attend only one day of the conference and nothing more.
Registration Types by Invitation Only:
- Presenter/Student Presenter – If you are presenting a paper, you are eligible for a reduced conference registration rate. The discounted registration fee will automatically be applied as part of your registration process. All presenters must register by October 10th, 2023.
- Editor – If you are an associate editor and participated in the paper review process you will be given an access code to register as an editor. Contact your corresponding Program VC (Vice Chair) for the invitation information if you have not received the registration information.
- Moderator – If you are moderating a session (or sessions) at the symposium, you will be given an access code to register as a moderator. Contact the corresponding Program VC (Vice Chair) for the invitation information.
- Exhibitor – If you are an exhibitor please contact the RAMS Exhibits Manager, Mr. David Barber, at dbarbsta@gmail.com for detailed information on how to register for the conference.
Step 2. Provide Personal Data
The usual information, name, address, company etc. Please be sure that the email you use is unique to yourself. Once an email is entered it will be unavailable to any later registrants.
Step 3. Provide Additional Information
If you are bringing a companion who will not be attending the technical program you will be asked to provide personal information for your companion. The companion will receive a badge and will have access to social events planned for conference attendee companions.
If you are registering as a member of a Sponsoring Society you will need to identify the societies and provide membership numbers.
Step 4. Select Options
If you are bringing a companion, you may purchase a banquet ticket for the companion. The cost for this extra banquet ticket is $75.
If you wish to participate in the Certificate Program and pay the initial fee you may select this option. Note that if you have already paid the fee in a prior year you should not select this option.
Step 5. Make a Hotel Reservation
Hotel reservations must be made directly with conference host hotel. For your convenience you will be given a link to the hotel for the RAMS attendee rate.
Click Register Now if you are ready to register for RAMS 2024
If paying by credit card you will be asked for card information that will be sent securely to our credit card processor. You may return to the registration process at any time should you decide to pay by credit card or need to make changes to your registration. Note that rates will change at 11:59pm December 23rd, 2023 (early bird rate expiration).
As part of the communications mission of RAMS we offer the opportunity to share contact information with our sponsors and exhibitors. RAMS also offers the opportunity to include your information in the RAMS conference App. that will be available to all conference attendees. You will be given the chance to opt in to either or both of these networking opportunities during the registration process. Click on RAMS Privacy Policy at the bottom of the RAMS.org website to review the privacy policy. Click REGISTER NOW if you are ready register for the RAMS conference